Dorothy Fortenberry

Cast of Characters
The Villain's Backstory
Greenhouse Gaslighting: Fossil Fuel Industry Narratives
Logline: Scandal
A huge protest against an oil pipeline is raging outside the White House. When a famous Indigenous youth activist, Melanie, receives multiple death threats, Olivia wants to help but has a conflict of interest: Melanie has uncovered that President Grant’s campaign donors are major funders of fossil fuel pipelines.

Character Profiles
There are infinite ways a person can be connected to the climate crisis—so many that it would be impossible to catalog them.
Sam and Otter
Karen and Barbara
Climate Mental Health
Processing Climate Emotions
Self-Care Tips for Writing About the Climate Crisis
Logline: Bojack Horseman
BoJack goes to his high school reunion, only to discover all the monarch butterflies he was in drama club with have died. (Written by BoJack Horseman writer/producer Elijah Aron.)

The Climate Lens™ in Action: Case Studies
Climate Migration
Modeling Climate Solutions On-Screen
Climate and Black Storytelling Traditions: an Interview with Aya de Leon
Logline: Preacher
Logline: Jesse Custer makes an uneasy alliance with Hitler, who, now that he’s taken over for Satan, is pissed that global warming lets the Damned not mind the fires of Hell as much. (Written by Preacher creator/EP/showrunner Sam Catlin.)

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